Tuesday 2 September 2008

The spiritual implications of the New Sciences.

In Quantum Mechanics the basic idea,, and truth, is that At the smallest level of matter, in the Sub-Atomic realm, particles cease to be particles, and form a wave-function. Another way to describe it could be that it is energy, or even spirit. Matter is not matter then... Eastern Philosophies have known this for thousands of years, Buddhism speaks of all material things to be illusory, in a state of constant flux, This obviously co-incides with Quantum theory, and the rigorous scientific methods used to decypher the the universe, in cosmology there is Some abstract force called "Dark Matter" A purely hypothetical matter that does not interact with the electromagnetic force, but whose presence can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter (wikpedia). The science behind cosmology can not work without it.The dark matter component has vastly more mass than the "visible" component of the universe! surely this dark matter could be called many names? the holy spirit, The multiverse, the wheel of Dharma, God. Aha the G-word!!! Well in the "Koegel" interpretation of the universe these names, and many others, are simply describing the same thing. This "thing" is nothing exept the life force itself, so what is REAL? matter is energy, so what are we?

1 comment:

Sennaya Swamy said...

Wonderful matter.Thanks for sharing.