Sunday, 31 August 2008

Quantum physics

The science of quantum physics has evolved to such a point that it really does have the possibility to explain the universe in such a way that it seems to be pure fantasy to most, but it is not a fantasy, it is based on rigourous testing and re-testing of data. The easiest way to think about quantum physics is that it explains matter, and what it says about matter is that it isnt, thats right, it isnt matter at all, at the basis of everything, what is holding the atom together is energy and to the average person on the street it seems like nothing, its nothing to us because we cant see it or hold it, but what has been discovered is that this emptiness is actually so full of pure energy that it has blown all old physics out of the water, it us pure energy in waves of information, at the smallest level of this universe we find ourselves in, the planck scale, the reality that we experience seems to not exist in the same way, the newtonian physics that we all grew up on does not work at this level, and only in the last 30 or so years has quantum physics evolved to the point where we can understand what goes on in this place. I do not really want to send my children to schools that teach old outdated ideas, I believe that the systems of schooling are so designed for holding people back. Not for true education in life. School aint cool. I have read many books about differant aspects of quantum theory and the physics behind it, i would encourage any readers to investigate the quantum, and tell all of us your thoughts!!